Monday, December 9, 2013

The "Free People" Perspective

I would like all of my readers to take time out and view this blog that I found very interesting. It is called Free People, Free People and blogger, Brenna Hurst, discusses how experiences in life can prove to be beneficial, regardless if they are pleasant or not. She urges her readers to try new things and continue to grow and learn from new experiences, relating it to ice cream by saying that “you didn’t know you liked ice cream until you tried it” (Hurst). 

She compares Catherine’s naivety from Austen’s Northanger Abbey, to Cady Heron from the movie Mean Girls. I found this interesting because I am a die-hard Mean Girls fan, know every single word to the movie, and actually hosted a watch party when they tried (and failed miserably) at making a sequel. Tying resemblances to a character from a Jane Austen novel to a movie like Mean Girls puts it in a whole new perspective for a different demographic.

 I completely agree with her point that they are similar characters, and I never would have thought to view Catherine from that perspective! She talks about both Catherine and Cady experiencing deception from people they considered to be close friends, since they are in a new place, experiencing things that they never had experienced before. I find this to be such a prominent issue today in many girls! Society seems to accept the fact that everyone is out for them selves, and will deceive others if it helps them get to where they want to be. 

Personally, I think that if you can’t get to your goal on your own, then it is time to re-evaluate and possibly change the goal. However, if you are the victim of a “friends” deception then it could be a great opportunity to learn and grow as a person, just as Brenna said “try the ice cream, you just might like it” (Hurst). I encourage you all to go read her blog, just click on the link below!

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